
Snake turns criminal, Father announces reward money for the snake’s head to save child

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Snake turns criminal, Father announces reward money for the snake’s head to save child

We have always heard that reward money is related to humans. Police keeps reward for criminal. But there’s this father who has kept reward money for a snake, who is not less than a criminal to him. Yes don’t be shocked, it is 100 percent true, that reward money has been announced to catch a criminal snake. Surendra Kumar, a 45-year old farmer, announced reward to catch a snake because the snake has bitten his son four times in last two years. The concerned father declares that it is the same snake who has bitten his son Brijbhan all the four times.

The story starts two years back, when Brijbhan killed the snake’s mate in October 2015 and from that time the snake trying to take revenge from the murderer of his mate. The son is guarded with two armed men at his house in Khiriya village. Many snake charmers  are attracted by this reward  announcement and are trying their best to catch the snake, but no one is able to succeed to catch the snake. They are hoarding outside the house the farmer from the day the reward is announced.  “Brijbhan, 21, had killed one of the snakes while they were mating in October 2015. A year later, he was bitten by the snake for the first time and thereafter, he has been bitten thrice again in May, July and then the first week of August this year. It is the same reptile which keeps striking at my son and the villagers say that the snake is taking revenge,” Surendra Kumar told reporters.He said that his son survived the snakebites mainly because the snake was non-venomous.“But we cannot live in fear all the time. I take my son to a local snake charmer whenever he is bitten. The snake charmer has failed to capture the snake, which appears and then disappears suddenly,” the father said.The family is trying their best to prevent the next attack of the snake, they have approached the pundits and even planted herb plants to stop the snake from entering the place-but all these has not worked for them.

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Brijendra Yadav, veterinarian at the Lucknow Zoo, said that “Cases of snakebite rise rapidly during monsoon when the reptiles venture out of their burrows. Repeated snakebites, in this case, are a coincidence and the snake is harmless because it apparently belongs to a non-poisonous variety. ”Wildlife expert and retired sub-divisional forest official N.K. Upadhyaya said, “One of the easy ways to differentiate between a poisonous and non-poisonous variety is to observe the tail. The poisonous ones have pointed tails. In India, there are several varieties of snakes, but most are non-venomous. Often people exaggerate their experiences and believe they have been bitten by a venomous snake. A snake taking revenge is completely illogical.”

People from village are looking it from revenge angle and experts are measuring it from logical angle, but no one  know what is the real catch. But everyone should appreciate the love of father for his child. World has changed and this story of reward is the best example to look at.

Published by Ashish Mishra on 17 Aug 2017
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